::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

money money money

Today's word of the day is 'Materialism'.

I was brought up to value the true value of something rather than its material value. And i can't say that i am totally a saint right now but material wealth somehow or another still gets to me. Blame it on the media, or MTV, or the society.

The latest gadgets, the latest trends, the latest brands... what does it mean anyway? Self worth? I really don't know. Psychologists would agree that people addicted to material wealth are actually buying their own self worthiness. Is that true? I believe that to a certain extend because there are some people like that and then there are some who just simply have the money to spend on such things and like them, genuinely.

In today's society, the wealthy are the respected ones. Does that mean that the poor are not eligible of being respected? That could be one of the reason that type 1 people chase material wealth to gain the respect they long. The kid with the latest PSP, gameboy or whatever in school stands to have more kids wanting to be their friends. Materialism on everybody's part?

But lucky my parents brought us up well.. we always weighed practicality more favorably. That taught us to be more price cautious of things. But the most important question my parents have always asked us to ask ourselves when we are oogling at something with that strong urge to buy, "Do we really need it?". But now, i've added another important question on the list, "Will we use it?" That's all that matters really. Cost cautious questions i wish my kids in the future will learn how to ask themselves.

Materialism. Just turn on MTV's Sweet Sixteen and you'll know what i'm talking about. ;p


Simon taught me this ouija string thingy that allows you to find out how many kids will you have in the future and if it will be a boy or a girl. I've tried with my father's name and simon's parent's names and so far it all tallies! So, i tried mine....... and mine tallied with simons.

Have i already found my match at this age?? haha

I should consider myself lucky shouldn't i.

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