::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Thursday, July 05, 2007

nothing else matters

Why is it that we will proactively do more than necessary to please those we hardly know and procrastinate at pleasing those closest to us, when this action will mean so much more to the latter?

Does money come hand in hand with neglect?

Yes, the intentions of making more money is one that is full of love and visions of a wonderful future, but when the act itself is taking much more effort than you put into the person you dream these visions for, does it still holds the same value?

~ we put on our best behaviour in front of acquiantances and show the worst to the ones we love and who loves us. ~

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Blogger Cass said...

totally agree with what you wrote .

i'm feeling guilty ):

8/7/07 11:33 pm  
Blogger Lynnie said...

Lol.. we are ALL guilty. :)

9/7/07 5:52 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Why la so emo?

Chill la.

This money making and neglect mystery will never be solved.

Aduhai, apa cakap saya.

10/7/07 9:39 am  
Blogger Em said...

so true

14/7/07 11:57 pm  

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