::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Friday, April 10, 2009


This sucks.

Knowing that you have a lot to do, but can't seem to do it - no one's answering your call, the un-rest situation there, long national holiday, greatly missing people....

Usually when I'm feeling like this, I find solace in buying things online. Even ugly things that I know deep down I may not wear/use. As long as I buy something.

I don't even feel remorse when it comes and I take one glance at it, think 'Shit. Bad choice', throw it into the closet and not think about it for another year or so.

Sometimes, I act like i'm a hotel heiress with thick wads of paper to splurge with. But truth is, i'm becoming pauper like hell. I thought I could run away from monetary responsibilities when Im back home but no. I still have them here, perhaps even more.

I’m just rambling away, can you tell? Everyone in the office is either typing away furiously on their laptops or staring at their screen with a furrowed brow. It’s all too sombre.

Even when I was in SG, we never really had such sombre, quiet situations. When the air gets too thick, usually one person will start shouting with frustration. Then the rest will join in. Here, I think even a squeak will send all eyes on you. I guess it’s the space factor. Everyone is in a 4 by 4 office sitting side by side. But ok la, this is Msian style to increase productivity – don’t disturb me, I’m working.

Eh, I am not complaining ok. I am fine with sitting alone in my corner minding my own business. Just that, it’d be good to feel more relaxed. People here have very heavy workloads on their backs.

Eeee… it’s lunchtime. No one seems to be moving.

Miss you.

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