::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Saturday, July 23, 2005

An ode to my girls

So many things have happened in the past one year that has made things different for all of us. Things that we have no control over, and even things that we have control over. It could be because of this, that distance grows silently between us. Distance that grows as a tumor in our friendship that we so longingly want to cure, but just don't know how. As we were so used to seeing each other everyday in high school, talking to each other everyday, that a change in environment and timetable leaves a hole in our friendship. I personally feel that this distance that we feel is just a phase that best friends of long will have to go through to discover a whole new stage of friendship. It is like couple-hood. These stages are designed for each to grow and mature. Sometimes, we just have to keep an open and positive mind.

My girls, i know this has always been said among us, and yet somehow, it still sounds hollow. But i want to assure each and everyone of you that, my love for all of you, is strong. Like i said, this is just a phase and we will pass it. ;) I'm sorry if i had not been there as much. You girls are always in my prayers and i always hope the best for each and everyone of you. Anyway, this is just something for all of you.

For all the times i've not been there
I'm sorry, I want to say
We are growing up, facing different directions
But no matter the distance, our bond will always stay
There's no replacing the times we've been through together
So many stories, all the laughter and the tears
It takes time to build strong friendships
Don't worry my girls, we have nothing to fear
From puberty to womanhood
We'll go through it all
And together we will face it
With a bond stronger than all
Even if our dreams may still seem far away
Even until we're gone
Our friendship can never be replaced
The road between us will never be long


Lots of love to my girls, reen, lian, yeing, ai, liann, ann.
muah muah muah. :)


Blogger Unknown said...

it's very nice to see a person trying everything she can to keep the friendship bond strong. not many people will make the effort to do it.

it's kinda... touching. hehehe.


24/7/05 12:46 pm  
Blogger Em said...

i know what u mean. i feel distanced from some of my once best friends. i dont know how it go to be this way but it actually needs both sides to make a relationship work. its good that u're doing something about it. hope everything goes well in your life =)

26/7/05 1:01 am  
Blogger *shereen* said...

Babyyyyyyyyy I miss you lots!

28/7/05 11:50 pm  

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