go away.. go far far away..
Sometimes i hate how pms affects me so much. It wasn't like this last year, and it wasn't like this when i first had it. How did it suddenly become so massive? Is it a state of mind? Can it be controlled by the mind itself? I think it can, but i guess i am too weak to do it.
I feel so vulnerable and sensitive. I know that i am feeling this way, i know that if i am positive enough i can push these feelings aside. But i still somehow succumb to them. I still allow my mind to wander off and absorb negativity instead of the positive. I used to be so optimistic.
What happened? Could i be facing some depression shit related to pms?
I hate feeling this way. I hate how i cannot enjoy myself because of it. It is at this period of time that i feel all needy and need to be baby-ed. The time when i need reassurance the most.
I want to be all happy happy all the time again. I want to be able to think positive no matter what again. Maybe i need medication.
I hate feeling this way. :(
chill out gal! u'll b all fine and polished when u're back from ur hols. bsides, it's all normal to be feeling this way...PMS. ;)
Hey darling, chill girl.
I think you just need a break.
FUNFAIR tomorrow, YES?
hey girl i hope you feel better now . i felt the same as you , needed my bf to pamper me like every second =P go shopping !! it helps (;
you are the only person who can decide whether to be happy happy or moody moody. no one else can help you in this case.
just be strong k. go shopping like that cass say. or better still, listen to music. listen to Guns N' Roses. Listen to Metallica. hahaha.
px: yea, i know. stupid pms.
reen: funfair!! YES!
cass: haha..i want to be treated like a queen! lol.
chzehong: lol, cheer myself in the matrock way eh?
mind me, PMS is just an order of word people use if they are actually depressed during menstruation! PMS doesn't have any effect or whatsoever claimed. chill out, don't use PMS as a reason. maybe u should just lie back and relax and think what went wrong. would be better if u have your closest pal around u when u are feeling down. take a deep breath and think positive!! u are what u are!
pms is the name of 'that' depression female gets when their hormones are inbalanced.
thanks anyway :)
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