::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

It's the day of the year again where every nice restaurant, florist and shops like memory lane generate more revenue in week than they do in a month. Price of everything is jacked up to a riddiculous amount.

I spent this day of love having McDs for dinner with simon. It isn't like we have no romance whatsoever in our relationship, but somehow there really isn't a need to be more lovey dovey and appreciate each other more today. Why be loving and appreciative of each other only during a marketed day?

Everyday for us is valentines day. Everyday is a day of love.

Sounds darn cheesy but it is true. I rather spend the money celebrating something more worthwhile like our anniversaries. But thus said, i am embarassed to admit that i am a hipocrit to myself. I don't find the need for presents and expensive dinners on valentines day, but somewhere inside, i wanted him to do something for me. Nothing big, but like maybe cook a nice meal for me or give me an hour long massage while playing with my hair or something.

Actually, what am i complaining about..? He does this for me all the time. Well, not hour long massages, but at least he does give me massages, play with my hair, cook for me..etc. ;p Like i said, i don't need no Febuary 14 to make me feel special!

Happy Valentines Day to my lovebug Simon! ;)
Happy Valentines Day to my family!
Happy Valentines Day to my girls!
Happy Valentines Day to everyone with love!


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