::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Monday, March 31, 2008

Do you feel the breeze everyday?

Have you ever notice yourself going about your daily chores on autopilot? Getting into your car and the next time you realised, you're already in the middle of the highway? Or sitting down at the dining table and the next thing you know, your plate is half empty?

I have.

Loads of times.

This is probably normal for everyone, but it just goes to show how many moments in life we have missed, just because we were too caught up with something on our minds thus our routined actions take over? It's like the show 'Click'. Where the guy fast forwards his life and in doing so, he just goes about his days like a robot, or going through the motions. Looking but not seeing; hearing but not listening.

When this happens, most often that not, this autopilot moments takes away quality time with people dear to us. You are supposed to have fun and bonding-topics talks over hearty meals with your loved ones, but when u space out..

So many moments are missed because of this. I know i have miss happy conversations between my family and friends just because something is clouding up my mind.

These thoughts are going nowhere. Lol. I guess, what i'm getting at is to always be mindful of what you're doing. Put your mind to the things you're doing at that moment, and not at somewhere else so you'll be able to enjoy it fully.

This is definitely something i have to constantly remind myself.



Blogger Peanutxz said...

like you said a couple days back...
you've too much free time in hand tats why u're dreaming. wake up and study!!!

hoho!...i'm gonna get a swimsuit soon! wanna join!?!??!?!

3/4/08 6:16 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...


yes wake up and study. get a job, then spend me dinner! w00t.

long live vain people.

i'm buying swimming trunks too. wanna join?

5/4/08 2:03 pm  
Blogger Lynnie said...

wah, the both of u can go buy together! lol.

6/4/08 10:51 pm  
Blogger Lynnie said...

wah, the both of u can go buy together! lol.

6/4/08 10:51 pm  

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