::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Monday, June 08, 2009

Married at 23?

The wonders of facebook, I found out that one of my primary school friend is getting married to another friend. Same age as me mind you. But as my grandmother and aunty would've countered, when my grandma was my age, my dad was already 5 yrs old. Sometimes, I don't understand why elders tell us these thigns. Are they implying that we should be the same?

Back to my point about the girl getting married- I remember a conversation I had with Reen, that we are not at the age where yes we are still young, but also old enough to do certain things without raising eyebrows as fast as if we were doing the same things before 21 yrs old.

Marriage has been in a lot of my conversations lately. While the idea of marriage does not scare me, it's only an idea right. However, I believe that when the idea turns to reality, the actual execution will scare me. Now at least.

Then again, bear in mind that all this is being churned out by hormones. So it may not be as objective and a clear judgement of what I really think and feel.

In all honesty, if I were to ask myself - would I do it right now if money and parents were not an objection?

Maybe. ;)


Blogger Cass said...

we think alike. i would to if i'm financially stable. :)

9/6/09 3:04 pm  
Blogger *shereen* said...

Lee : *hint* *hint*

Lynn: Tak sabar ni..

9/6/09 3:57 pm  
Blogger coco said...

cakap lagi cakap lagi
hou high

9/6/09 4:48 pm  
Blogger Lynnie said...


10/6/09 10:19 am  
Blogger swen said...

one spare room for me please, thankyouverymuch.

13/6/09 12:30 am  

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