::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Finally, Malaysian Idol has ended and Jaclyn Victor, emerged as our very first Malaysian Idol winner! Well done Jac! I'm not going to post much about her as facts and opinions about her will be known nationwide tomorrow. Just that, she is the right person to have won. =)

Back to me...

Something incredible happened! I did not go out today and yesterday! *applause* *applause* <:D haha.. Knowing me, weekends for me are going-out/shopping/chilling time! And for the first time in many many weeks, i stayed at home. Shocking huh? Well, mainly it's because the M'sian Idol finals were on. I don't know. It is sort of the mood too. I feel so tired that i don't even have the mood to go out. Is it a bad thing? Am i gradually changing into an Auntie like Reen said? Eee...i hope not!

Had my very first Introduction to Arts lecture today, and i must say that this subject sounds kind of interesting. Except for maybe the 'National Library Visit' which we would require us to write a report based on the informations we had attained from that visit. Which would be according to our Art Proposal. Well, that's next week's headache. So for now, I just have to prepare all the materials from various pencils to the Reference book. Busy busy me!

* Have a wonderful lazy Sunday! * =)


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