I'm so screwed.
Somebody please get a syringe and sedate me!
I'm running about the house, doing random things and packing for hong kong like an energizer bunny, where else i should be sitting down at my study table like a good girl studying for my Moral exam on Friday. Why oh why, must it be this friday?? Why couldn't they have it like last week or something. It creates anxiety and worry in me in the midst of all the excitement of being on holiday. Damn you moral.
Hmm.. i think i've overpacked.
*slaps self* Enough!! No more thinking about HK until after 11.30am Friday. Stupid moral.
Anyway, here are pictures of simon's sis's wedding, albeit a lil late. But who's keeping track!? heheh.The night before, during the 'sohhtao' ceremony.
Morning~The bride (simon's sis- adelyn) and the groom
Simon's dad, his two sisters and lil niece hayly.
I like her dress..
Simon and his lil nephew aiden
Sigh, i can't seem to upload any more pics. Not to worry! There's always later.. or tmrw!
Something's wrong with blogger. Damn i think i should really switch to livejournal or xanga or something. Anyway, here's the link to a few of the pictures. Hopefully i can get more of them soon. :)
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