::Life's Little Mystery::

life requires lots of love, and loving brings life

Monday, August 29, 2005

Ads for Computers anyone?

I gave up trying my best to concentrate at home, packed my bag and headed to the library. I have always prefered studying at home compared to anywhere else, but this time around, all my efforts to turn away from all the distractions at home seem to fail.

Well well, want to know how it turned out?
I was revising on the different types of computers at one point, and suddenly had this urge to come up with an advertising concept for one of the comps.

I think i'm brilliant! ;)


I reckon my IT exam won't go too well..


Blogger Cass said...

really cute but is that supposed to be a toilet bowl as a seat for the comp ? haha you'll definitely score a distinction for your IT =DD

31/8/05 2:30 am  
Blogger Lynnie said...

yea, sadly it doesn't look too much like one eh? heh..

31/8/05 8:25 pm  

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