I'm Legal!
Happy Birthday To MeeeEee!! :)
May I be happy wherever i go and with whatever i do
May I succeed in whatever i attempt to do (eg: studies, work..etc)
May all my loved ones be well and happy
A Big THANK YOU to all who had contributed to make my birthday a memorable one, as well as for all the birthday wishes!
My parents booked the entire poolside of Somerset Seri Bukit Ceylon in KL just for my 21st celebration, as well as the 2 bedroom service apartment for me to crash after the party. And my friends and family all turned up to celebrate my coming into adulthood where i can now legally vote in a 'clean' election. hahaha.
The afternoon (pre celebration) didn't go too well, with frustrations and tears due to my lack of patience and understanding. Me and simon was supposed to check into the apartment by 3pm but he was still in ou with his bro till 4pm. So dahlah i thought there wasn't enough time to blow the balloons, hang them, bathe, change, make up all by 7pm, i threw a huge tantrum and gave him the cold shoulder when he eventually came home. Long story short, he was buying presents for ME from him and helped his bro buy mine. I felt so guilty for losing my temper just like that. Sigh.. so guilty. Coz the present simon got me is so darn wonderful. :P No i'm not materialistic. nononoono
But fortunately, everything went smoothly during the celebration. I was waiting for px and the rest of the gang to arrive so that i can blow my candles, but itu orang semua kept on getting lost. Lol. Nvm, reached just in time to habiskan semua makanan dan kek-kek. Thanks for coming even tho you all had not slept after a hectic campaign. :)
All in all, the celebration went well. I'm so happy..
Apart from that, the apartment was so nice that a nice little time in the bathtub was a great way for me to start my journey as an adult. Lol. Any excuse to enjoy la. Not only that, in the morning when we came back from our breakfast downstairs, i found a cake with a card on the dining table from the management and staffs of the place! Gosh, so thoughtful of them.. Really la, i couldn't have asked for a better birthday. Thank you to everyone again! :)The buffet spread by the poolside
My darling parents
mom and bro
You can tell already that i've become lazy.. heh
Not in the pic: a bouquet of red and yellow roses from my aunty and family, and chocolates from my bro and his gf Brenda.
My simon got me a Tissot watch as seen on the right side of the pic. The one in the red box. :) It's what i want and need and yet i never seem to get up off my toosh to get it. And he knows it although i have never mentioned it. such is lovee.. :)
Once again, THANK YOU to my parents, my family, my boy, his family and my friends!
The rest of the pictures can be viewed here and here!