Mondays are never nice until recently. My class starts at 11 every monday, which means i get to sleep in till 10.30 on monday mornings! Then my day would glide smoothly on with classes till 3.30, and i would get to end my monday with simon. Ahh, bliss. Today however, i had to go to uni for a homework discussion thing, to create a mock newsletter for my mass comm tutorial. The thing about going to uni so early on mondays is that, there will not be any parking spaces within 10meters from uni. With cars stingily parked together, i found myself a nice spot behind this car and double parked behind him. Like any other considerate human being, i left my contact number on my dashboard in case the owner of the car needs to get out.
The best part was, while walking towards my uni, i realised that i've left my handphone at home. Then in my head, while rushing, i reasoned.
Voice1: Omg, what if that person really needs to get out? How??
Voice2: I dunno.. But it's only 9.30, maybe the owner's working and will only be out for lunch. Aiya, i'll only be here for an hour or so.
Voice1: Yea hor. What are the odds?
Next thing i knew, peixzan came looking for me in the reading room.
"Lynn, everyone's looking for you!! You're blocking people's car!"
I walked, no i ran out, and being a normal human being, i apologised.
"Sorry sorry sorry!"
I expected them to be a gentlemen and grumble a little about wasted time. But no...
Come on man, i know it's my fault but do you want to hear an explanation on why this morning, certain part of my brain didn't process fast enough to remind me about my handphone? I'm only human. At least, i left a number which gave you some hope. So there i was standing, and he was shouting on and on about his phone bill. Ignoring him, i got into my car and drove off. When i came home, my mum told me, that when she answered my phone, he scolded her as well. He's only resort was to threaten.
Man:"If she doesn't come on now, i'll smash the windows!!"
Mum:"Go ahead and I'll make a police report."
*click* she hangs up. lol.
My mom is cool. :)
Then we came to the conclusion that, i should have asked him how much he wants since he's harping on his phone bill, and gave him 5 ringgit or something. But what's the point eh? Why stoop down to his crude level?
My brain's seriously not functioning well today. I can't think straight. I had to make a u-turn home from the orthodontist because i forgot my money. On a brighter note, i took out my stuck-onto-my-teeth retainers today! It feels so smooth and clean, although my gum feels raw and hurts a little. Also, i brought back the molds of my teeth. The before and the after. My mom wants to use them to teach english. Haha. Don't know how that'll work.
Simon is currently laden with assignments, and with his finals looming up ahead, i guess he'll be a busy busy boy this week. You'll do well baby! ;)